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诚邀在读博士(含硕博连读)来加拿大进行博士论文课题研究 加拿大联邦政府农业及食品研究中心(Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research and Development Centre)的 Dr. Tim McAllister 研究团队现招三名在读博士生,课 题研究时间 1-2 年,合作方式是中加联合培养,来加生活费(1700 加元/月以及往返国际 旅费由国家留学基金提供,课题研究费用(含论文发表费用和国际会议旅差费)将由本课 题组承担。申请人可通过国家公派留学基金委的审核和选派 (详见附录一, 中国国家留学 基金委 2016 年项目介绍及申请程序),国内递交申请日期为 3 月 20 日-4 月 5 日。 相关研究课题内容 • • • • • • The effects of antibiotic use on integrative conjugative elements-associated antimicrobial resistance transfer Development of novel antimicrobials to mitigate bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle Investigation of viral pathogens associated bovine respiratory disease Persistency of shiga-toxin producing E. coli in livestock production A novel therapy for controlling Shiga toxin-producing E. coli Bacteriophage genomics, therapy and host-phage interaction Dr. Tim McAllister 是加拿大联邦政府农业及食品研究中心的国家级顶尖科学家,常年研究 团队 20 余人,各类专业实验室及设备配备齐全。研究领域涉猎动物营养,微生物,食品 安全,食源性病菌控制与监测,动物疫病与疫苗研发,生物蛋白和酶功能解析及开发,抗 生素抗性因子及天然生物制剂的研发等等,发表论文及专注 500 余篇。 Dr. Tim McAllister国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家,兼众多国家重点项目的主持人, 以及九所国际知名大学的特聘教授,荣获各大奖项 30 余项。Dr. Tim McAllister是 2015 年 度唯一一个荣获(每五年才颁发一次)加拿大农业领域杰出贡献奖(H.R. MacMillan Laureate奖,可查看附录二的相关报道);作为联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC) 的第四次评估报告中减缓气候变化的 主要撰写人,在 2007 年与美国副总统Al Gore分享了诺贝尔和平奖,Dr. Tim McAllister的详 细的介绍及研究成果请链接以下网址 http://www4.agr.gc.ca/AAFC-AAC/displayafficher.do?id=1181941560835&lang=eng 请感兴趣的在读博士(或硕博连读)同学,与研究员 Dr. Dongyan Niu 取得联系,并将个 人简历发至 dongyan.niu@gov.ab.ca 或发至加拿大联邦政府的网站:dongyan.niu@agr.gc.ca 附:Dr. Dongyan Niu 联系方式 Dr. Dongyan Niu, PhD 1 Beef Research Scientist Alberta Agriculture & Forestry Lethbridge Research Branch 100-5403 - 1 Avenue South Lethbridge, Ab, Canada T1J 4V6 Telephone : 403 381-5351 Facsimile: 403 382-4526 dongyan.niu@gov.ab.ca 附录一:中国教育部-加拿大农业部合作奖学金介绍 一、简介 为加强中加科研交流与合作,为我国优秀学生前往世界知名科研机构学习提供支持,国家留学基 金管理委员会(以下简称国家留学基金委)与加拿大农业和农业食品部签署了合作备忘录,将联合资 助中国具有较大发展潜力的优秀人才进行博士生联合培养。 加拿大农业和农业食品部(Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,以下简称加拿大农业部)作为加拿大联 邦政府机构,在农业领域提供信息、研究、政策和项目服务等,以实现粮食系统的安全、环境的健康 及创新发展。 二、资助计划与类别 1.协议名额:40 人 2.选派类别及资助期限: 选派类别:联合培养博士研究生 资助期限:18-24 个月 三、资助内容 (1)国家留学基金提供留学人员在学期间的奖学金生活费(含海外学生健康保险)、一次往返国 际旅费和签证申请费。 (2)加拿大农业部将采取免除学费的形式为被录取人员提供奖学金。 四、申请条件 2 1.申请人应符合《2016 年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目攻读博士学位研究生选派办法》 (http://www.csc.edu.cn/Chuguo/08c2ac5a6ff74eb2b1039ed69bdeb447.shtml)规定的申请条件。 2.须取得加拿大农业部正式邀请信。 3.获得加拿大农业部推荐申请“China Scholarship Council- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Joint Scholarship Program”。 五、申请材料 请按照国家留学网“出国留学”《2016 年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目专栏》中“应提交 申请材料及说明”的要求准备材料。 注:申请人所提交的加拿大农业部正式邀请信中须明确推荐其申请“China Scholarship CouncilAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada Joint Scholarship Program”。 六、申请流程 序 号 1. 时间 2015 年 9 月-2016 年 3月 步骤 申请 具体内容 备注 申请人自行联系加拿大农业部,提交对 外申请材料并取得加拿大农业部正式邀 请信。 1.申请人须在向加拿大农业部申请时说 明申请“China Scholarship CouncilAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada Joint Scholarship Program”。 准备 注:具体要求、申请程序和截止日期以 加拿大农业部公布的信息为准。 3 2.申请人可选择在加拿大农业部网站上 公布的其所属研究院正在开展的学科项 目领域。网站地址: http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/science-andinnovation/scientific-staff-and-expertise。 1.所有申请材料须按要求上传至国家公 派留学管理信息平台,请提前将申请材 料转为电子版。 3 月 20 日 2. 报名 -4 月 5 日 申请人经所在单位审核同意后,登录国 家公派留学管理信息平台进行网上报 名,并向各国家留学基金申请受理机构 (以下简称受理机构)提交申请材料。 2. 国家留学基金委委托各受理机构统一 受理本地区(单位、部门)的申请。受 理机构负责接受咨询、受理、审核申请 材料;国家留学基金委不直接受理个人 申请。 3.受理机构通讯地址及电话请查询国家 留学网。 3. 4-5 月 评审录取 符合派出 要求者办 理派出手 续 4. 7 月起 5. 派出 国家留学基金委组织专家对申请材料进 行评审,完成录取工作并公布录取名 单。 录取通知及相关材料将通过受理机构转 发至申请人所在单位,由其转发至申请 人本人。 1.签订《资助出国留学协议书》并办理 公证,交存保证金,办理《国际旅行健 康证明书》等。 1.具体要求、步骤及留学服务机构联系 方式请参照《出国留学人员须知》(可 从国家留学网下载)。 2.联系教育部指定的留学服务机构办理 签证申请、机票预订、生活费预领等事 项,并领取《报到证》。 2.7 月至 9 月为办理派出手续高峰期, 请提前了解具体要求,做好准备,合理 规划时间。 抵达留学所在国后,留学人员须持《资 格证书》及《报到证》原件到所属使 (领)馆教育处(组)报到(教育处 (组)联系方式请查阅其网站)。 1.被录取人员派出时间一般为当年 9 月,具体时间以加方录取通知为准。 七、咨询方式 1.国家留学基金管理委员会 联系人:刘佳睿 电 话:010-66093552 传 真:010-66093945 E-mail: jrliu@csc.edu.cn 4 2.资格有效期逾期为派出者,留学资格 自动取消。 国家留学网:http://www.csc.edu.cn 国家公派留学管理信息平台:http://apply.csc.edu.cn 地 址:北京市车公庄大街 9 号 A3 楼 13 层(邮编:100044) 2.加拿大农业部 联系人:Shan He International Engagement, Bilateral Relations Science and Technology Branch Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) 1341 chemin Baseline Road, T5-5-128 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0C5 E-mail: shan.he@agr.gc.ca Telephone: 613-773-1834 3.合作项目网址: http://www.agr.gc.ca/ 5 附录二 U of G to Award Final MacMillan Laureate in Agriculture February 17, 2015 – News Release (http://news.uoguelph.ca/2015/02/u-of-g-toaward-final-macmillan-laureate-in-agriculture/) A scientist who has helped reduce the impacts of E. coli and BSE infections on the Canadian livestock industry will receive the final H.R. MacMillan Laureate in Agriculture award from the University of Guelph Feb. 18. Tim McAllister will be honoured at the University’s winter convocation during the 4 p.m. ceremony for the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC). Awarded every five years, the $10,000 prize recognizes significant leadership in Canadian agriculture. Recipients are selected by a national panel of academic and industry leaders. The award was established in 1964 by the late H.R. MacMillan, a 1906 graduate of OAC to celebrate the college’s 100th anniversary. It was first presented in 1969; this is the 10th and last award. “It’s a privilege to honour Tim’s exemplary industry and scientific leadership through the final installment of the award,” said OAC dean Rob Gordon. “Not only is he an excellent scientist and science leader, but also he has the ability to translate his discoveries and knowledge into practical use, and this has bolstered his impact in Canada and beyond.” McAllister is a principal research scientist — the highest research rank in the public service – for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). He has worked at AAFC’s Lethbridge Research Centre since 1987. “This is a well-deserved recognition of a researcher who personifies scientific excellence,” said Gilles Saindon, acting assistant deputy minister, science and technology branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. “Tim’s hard work, commitment, knowledge and experience are an invaluable asset not only to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and agricultural sector, but also to the entire country.” 6 McAllister’s research has been crucial for the livestock industry in microbiology, nutrition and beef production, food and environmental safety, and E. coli mitigation and antimicrobial resistance in bacteria. Most recently, his work on prion inactivation helped Canada’s beef industry manage the effects of the BSE crisis in 2003. “Obviously this is a huge honour and represents the combined contributions of many individuals within our research team and the numerous collaborators we have had over the years,” McAllister said. “Being paid to learn is a great job and one for which the challenges are endless, as there is always the opportunity to learn more.” He is an adjunct professor at five Canadian universities, and at Colorado State University, the University of Sydney and China’s Dalian University of Technology. He has written or co-authored nearly 500 peer-reviewed papers and articles, and is a sought-after speaker and scientific collaborator across Canada and globally. A contributing member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, McAllister has received numerous international awards, including the Public Service Excellence Award from the Canadian prime minister. He holds a B.Sc. in agriculture and an M.Sc. in animal biochemistry from the University of Alberta, and a PhD in ruminant nutrition and microbiology from U of G. While on campus Feb. 18, McAllister will give a special nutrition seminar 10:30 a.m. in the Animal Science and Nutrition Building, Room 141. The event is free and open to the public. More information is available online. 7
